RESURGENCE: (re - sur - gence) noun: a growth or increase that occurs after a period without growth or increase; or a rising again into life, activity

For the month of AUGUST...
Impact Church is "regrouping" to one service to focus on a very important series in the life of our church. We understand that it is easy for us, as a church, to get comfortable and create a normalcy in “doing church” the way we like it. Jesus never called us to normal or comfortable.
He calls us to take up our cross and follow Him.
Leave everything we have for a better kingdom.
Push back darkness with the light of Christ.
Is that us individually? Is that us corporately as a body? This is why now is the time for a RESURGENCE!
...personal devotion.
...personal holiness.
...mission for the church. for a future kingdom coming.

For the next 5 weeks in August we are asking  the Lord for a RESURGENCE of our FAITH! We will be studying the book of Nehemiah, where we find an ordinary man that seeks to honor the Lord personally and the natural overflow is that he leads a nation back to a strong faith. His actions encouraged the people of God to (Refocus) on who God calls them to be, (Rebuild) the broken pieces from past mistakes, and (Renew) their vision for the future.