Choose which service you would like to attend!
We are excited to say we are fully open to worship in person . We are offering two service times. One at 9:00 a.m. and one at 11:00 a.m.
Please register using the red button to the right.
We will have Impact Kids available during the 11:00 AM service only for the Nursery (0-2 years), Preschool (3-5 years) and Elementary (K-5th) age children. It is important to select the correct age group when registering your children, since capacities are limited. Mask required for Elementary age kids when in transition.
UPDATE! 5/15/21
On Friday May 14th at 1:30pm Gov. Cooper removed the mask mandate and social distance requirements for our state. This move has led us to adjust our current requirements for gathering as a church in person.
Over the last 9 months we have been learning to regather, and I asked each of you to be gracious with us and one another through the process. We have been learning while navigating uncertain times. Thank you for your patience with our team during these transition steps. We could not have continued to be the church without your help and cooperation.
Here is our updated plan starting this weekend.
We will no longer require masks at our services. However, anyone that feels more comfortable still wearing a mask is welcome to do so. There are certainly reasons why people will continue to wear masks in a public setting. Change will take time and we have been in this mask environment for 14 months. We support everyone's decision, and believe it is their choice at their comfort level. Like I mentioned before, I do not want masks or vaccines to be a reason for division in our church body. In a very divisive season in our culture, I am thankful we have loved one another as family and I pray we will continue to do so now.
As for our kids' ministry, at this time, until we hear more from Gov Cooper, leaders and kids will continue to wear masks (per the school and childcare guidance). As this demographic is updated with more information we will adjust our position. Thank you for understanding, as we desire to keep our children safe.
Please register using the red button to the right.
We will have Impact Kids available during the 11:00 AM service only for the Nursery (0-2 years), Preschool (3-5 years) and Elementary (K-5th) age children. It is important to select the correct age group when registering your children, since capacities are limited. Mask required for Elementary age kids when in transition.
UPDATE! 5/15/21
On Friday May 14th at 1:30pm Gov. Cooper removed the mask mandate and social distance requirements for our state. This move has led us to adjust our current requirements for gathering as a church in person.
Over the last 9 months we have been learning to regather, and I asked each of you to be gracious with us and one another through the process. We have been learning while navigating uncertain times. Thank you for your patience with our team during these transition steps. We could not have continued to be the church without your help and cooperation.
Here is our updated plan starting this weekend.
We will no longer require masks at our services. However, anyone that feels more comfortable still wearing a mask is welcome to do so. There are certainly reasons why people will continue to wear masks in a public setting. Change will take time and we have been in this mask environment for 14 months. We support everyone's decision, and believe it is their choice at their comfort level. Like I mentioned before, I do not want masks or vaccines to be a reason for division in our church body. In a very divisive season in our culture, I am thankful we have loved one another as family and I pray we will continue to do so now.
As for our kids' ministry, at this time, until we hear more from Gov Cooper, leaders and kids will continue to wear masks (per the school and childcare guidance). As this demographic is updated with more information we will adjust our position. Thank you for understanding, as we desire to keep our children safe.